ICPR features world-leading experts from many academic disciplines, including psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, anthropology, ethnobotany, and philosophy who come together to give a scientific conference for academics, therapists, researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and members of the public. The OPEN Foundation has been organizing 5 large and international conferences since 2010.
What Is ICPR?
The Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research (ICPR) is Europe’s leading academic conference dedicated to advancing psychedelic research and therapies organized by the OPEN Foundation since 2010. ICPR is a biennial conference focused on high-quality scientific and scholarly research into psychedelics. ICPR 2022 is our fifth event. After our hugely successful online conference in 2020, we are returning to the prestigious Philharmonie Theater for an in-person event! ICPR will take place in Haarlem (next to Amsterdam) from September 22nd to 24th, 2022.

What To Expect At ICPR 2022?
ICPR provides a unique opportunity to get up to speed with the latest findings in psychedelic research. From clinical research and therapeutic paradigms to neuroscience, neurobiology, and pharmacology, to consciousness and mysticism research, to anthropology, historical research, philosophy, social science, and humanities studies, plus much more… ICPR 2022 aims to bridge and connect these disciplines, and to facilitate an important dialogue between the diverse academic fields and researchers involved in advancing psychedelic research and therapies.
Critical Reflections
Psychedelic research does not take place in a vacuum. We stress the importance of addressing biases and blind spots in psychedelic research, encouraging reflective and critical engagement. We stimulate deep discussions and critical thinking related to real-world issues, such as ethics, current developments in policy and politics, the psychedelic industry boom, and how these relate to broader questions around inclusivity, accessibility, and sustainability. We are committed to a constructive discourse that considers ethical standards and research practices in light of their broader implications for society.

Get Together!
After being home-bound for too long, ICPR will provide an opportunity to mingle with the ever-expanding international psychedelic research community. ICPR is an important place to meet top-notch researchers, to encounter like-minded individuals, to run into your favorite therapist, and to have fun while you learn. ICPR makes it easy to connect with others, share ideas, work together and dream up new projects.
Because no constructive sharing can be done on an empty stomach, a healthy, vegetarian lunch is included every day during the event so you don’t have to leave the venue. No need to rush to get a cup of coffee during breaks, the program includes ample time for relaxation and stimulating discussions.
What Does The Conference Experience Look Like At ICPR 2022?
Expect many engaging lectures, and enjoy interesting panel discussions, poster presentations, and practically-oriented workshops for therapists, researchers, and clinicians to name a few. But most importantly, conferences are places to meet and connect with like-minded people, to engage with researchers whose articles you’ve read, or to encounter therapists you’ve been keen to meet in person. That’s why we schedule lots of time for interaction. And for that reason, ICPR is an all-inclusive event: you can meet your next collaborator while sharing a cup of coffee or enjoying a healthy lunch, all included in your conference ticket!
· Keynote lectures
· Extensive Q&A sessions
· Panel discussions
· Poster presentations
· Workshops
· Mingles and after party
CE/CME Credits
Licensed professionals can apply for Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits. We will apply for accreditation for psychiatrists, addiction doctors, (clinical) psychologists, GZ-psychologists. The Dutch organizations are: NVvP, FGzPT and VVGN. Please consult your national licensing body to see if credits are transferable. Many organizations have official liaisons with these Dutch licensing bodies. More information here.
The History Behind ICPR
Our first conference, Mind-Altering Science, was organized in 2010. Inspired by the massive 2006 LSD Symposium (celebrating the legendary Albert Hofmann’s 100th birthday) in Basel, Switzerland, OPEN Foundation took up the baton and organized the first academic conference on psychedelics in Europe since then. Soon after, other conferences followed, such as Breaking Convention in the UK, Beyond Psychedelics in the Czech Republic, PsyTy in Finland, Insight in Germany, and many others… Of all our events, ICPR 2020 was the largest, with over 120 speakers and panelists, and more than 1350 attendees from all over the world.
Who Attends ICPR?
· Students (undergrad, graduate, Ph.D.)
· Academics
· General public
· Mental health professionals
· Licensed therapists
· Policymakers
· Entrepreneurs and philanthropists
Our conferences are attended in roughly equal measure by future researchers (students) and current researchers, as well as by members of the public with an interest in psychedelic research. While many of our attendees hail from the European and American continents, we have attracted attendees from places as diverse as Australia, India, China, Philippines, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Russia, South Africa, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Taiwan, Trinidad & Tobago, New Zealand, and Uruguay…
Confirmed Speakers
Katrin Preller, David Nichols, Kim Kuypers, Rick Doblin, Janis Phelps, David Nutt, Erika Dyck, Rolland Griffiths, Gitte Moos Knudsen, Paul Stamets, Friederike Holze, Peter Gasser, Sonya Faber, Mendel Kaelen, Monnica Williams, Bernardo Kastrup, Matthias Liechti, Eric Vermetten
Become a Speaker – Call for Speakers
About ICPR
ICPR is Europe’s leading academic conference dedicated to advancing psychedelic research and therapies. ICPR 2022, the fifth edition since 2010, will take place at the prestigious Philharmonie in Haarlem (the Netherlands) from 22 to 24 September, 2022. ICPR provides a platform for the dissemination of high-quality scientific and scholarly research, and aims to facilitate a dialogue between the diverse academic fields involved in psychedelic research.
Are you interested in becoming a speaker? Our submission process is open to all categories, such as researchers, academics, clinicians, participants, policymakers, entrepreneurs, etc.
Critical Perspectives and Reflexivity
Psychedelic research does not take place in a vacuum. ICPR strives to create awareness around potential biases and blind spots in psychedelic research, encouraging reflective and critical engagement. We encourage discussions and critical thinking related to real-world issues, such as ethics, current developments in policy and politics, the psychedelic industry boom, and how these relate to broader questions around inclusivity, accessibility, and sustainability. We invite our speakers to contribute to a constructive discourse that considers ethical standards and research practices in light of their broader implications for society.
Diversity and Inclusiveness
ICPR strives to commit more to diversity by inviting applicants from diverse contexts, disciplines, and cultural backgrounds to add their much needed perspectives on developments around the field of psychedelic studies, and actively join us in this coming conference. In the same spirit, we hope to offer financial aid to researchers whose social or economic circumstances preclude them from attending the conference. We will announce scholarship opportunities in due time.
Key themes
We particularly welcome submissions that address the following themes:
- Psychedelic therapy: participant perspectives
- Psychedelics and consciousness research
- Philosophy, mysticism, and religious studies
- Psychedelics, capitalism and the investment boom
- Advances in clinical and fundamental research
- Training and ethics in psychedelic therapy
- Challenging experiences
- Underrepresented perspectives (e.g. BIPOC and LGBTIQ+)
Submission Process
ICPR welcomes submissions from researchers from all scientific and scholarly disciplines; we especially welcome the submission of presentations proposing new ideas, hypotheses, or theories, and critical reflections, novel perspectives, or collaborations between diverse fields.
Researchers currently writing up their results for publication are also allowed to submit, provided that final results will be available before ICPR. Candidates can submit their abstracts to multiple categories and applicants who are not selected for an oral presentation may be offered the chance to present a poster upon discretion of the scientific committee.
Submission Guidelines
- All abstracts and symposium proposals should be submitted and presented in English.
- The presenting author must be a significant contributor to the research in question.
- Submissions should include an abstract (max 250 words + 5 keywords) and an indication of one or more preferred formats (oral presentation, poster presentation, or symposium).
- All proposals need to be submitted before 11.59pm (CET), 20 March 2022.
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Board – the final selection will be communicated to all applicants by 30 April 2022 at the latest.
Applicants can submit to one of the following categories:
- Oral presentation: 10-20 min oral presentation.
- Poster presentation: concise presentation of research ideas using a poster + 2 min presentation.
- Symposium: submit 3 to 5 oral presentations and an overall abstract describing the symposium. Both the symposium and the individual abstract should be submitted. The duration of each symposium is 75 min. Please note that the symposium proposal – including all abstracts – must be submitted via email to abstracts@open-foundation.org
Your symposium proposal should include:
- The symposium title & short outline.
- Presentations titles.
- Topics for 3 to 4 oral presentations.
- Speakers, affiliations, country, email addresses.
- Optionally, the presenters can opt for an external chair within their team.
How to submit an abstract
- Click on the SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT button below.
- Create an account on Oxford Abstracts, which is the software we use for collecting abstracts.
- Verify your account by clicking on the blue button “Verify your email address” that is sent via an email from Oxford Abstract. The Email is sent from support@oxfordabstracts.com with the subject line “Oxford Abstracts registration and verification”.
- Once your account is created and your email is verified, you’ll automatically be redirected to a page where you can submit your abstract.
- After submission, you’re still able to edit your abstract and submit new ones.
Abstract Guidelines
Each abstract should contain the following sections:
- Theoretical background and rationale: explain the research topic and why it is important or relevant.
- Research question and hypothesis: outline the research question and central hypothesis of the inquiry.
- Methods and analysis: describe the methods and analytical tools used to answer the research question.
- Main findings: list the outcomes of the research.
- Conclusion: describe the central “take-home” outcome of the investigation.
References (optional)
- Optionally, you can include up to five references to previous publications. In the body text, a publication should be referred to by a consecutive number between brackets, i.e. [1], [2], [3], [4] and [5].
- Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. Only published articles and those in press (the journal should be stated) may be included; unpublished results and personal communications should be cited as such in the body text.
- The references should be provided in accordance with Vancouver referencing guidelines; see below for examples:
Journal publication
1. Nichols DE. Psychedelics. Pharmacol Rev. 2016;(68):264–355.
Reference to a book
2. Halberstadt AL, Vollenweider FX, Nichols DE, editors. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences. Behavioral Neurobiology of Psychedelic Drugs. 1st ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag GmbH; 2018.
Reference to a chapter in a book
3. Preller KH, Vollenweider FX. Phenomenology, structure, and dynamic of psychedelic states. In: Halberstadt AL, Vollenweider FX, Nichols DE, editors. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences. Behavioral Neurobiology of Psychedelic Drugs. 1st ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag GmbH; 2018. p. 221–256.
Conference Registration
The selected abstracts can register for the conference by purchasing a ticket. The organization team will announce the speaker registration dates in due time. Discounted tickets are available for all selected presenters.
If you have any queries regarding the submission process, please contact abstracts@open-foundation.org