Psychedelics as a Treatment for Chronic Pain and Illness

Curious about the potential use of psychedelic medicines for the treatment of chronic pain and illness? Join LAMPS (The Los Angeles Medicinal Psychedelics Society) for an illuminating panel discussion on the healing potential of psychedelic medicines for chronic pain and illness.

$10 – $20

Event Series GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club

GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club (June 16) – Psychedelic Mysteries of the Feminine: Creativity, Ecstasy, and Healing

"Psychedelic Mysteries of the Feminine: Creativity, Ecstasy, and Healing" - An exploration of the connections between feminine consciousness and altered states from ancient times to present day. Join the GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club every third Friday of the month from 5pm-6:30pm Pacific Time to discuss our monthly reading.


Event Series GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club

GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club (September 15) – High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies

"High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies" is a book by Erik Davis that explores the emergence of a new psychedelic spirituality in the 1970s. The book focuses on the lives and works of three countercultural intellectuals: Philip K. Dick, Terence McKenna, and Robert Anton Wilson. Join the GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club every third Friday of the month from 5pm-6:30pm Pacific Time to discuss our monthly reading.


Event Series GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club

GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club (October 20) – The Witches’ Ointment: The Secret History of Psychedelic Magic

The Witches' Ointment is a book about entheogenic ointments that were said to enable witches to commune with local goddesses. Exploring the untold history of the witches’ ointment and medieval hallucinogen use, Hatsis reveals how the Church transformed folk drug practices, specifically entheogenic ones, into satanic experiences. The Church bastardized the ointments as trips to the Sabbat, which were clandestine meetings with Satan to learn magic and participate in demonic orgies. Join the GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club every third Friday of the month from 5pm-6:30pm Pacific Time to discuss our monthly reading.


Event Series GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club

GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club (November 17) – Good Chemistry: The Science of Connection, from Soul to Psychedelics

"Good Chemistry: The Science of Connection, from Soul to Psychedelics" explores the science of connection, why we need it, how we've lost it, and how we might find it again. Join the GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club every third Friday of the month from 5pm-6:30pm Pacific Time to discuss our monthly reading.


Event Series GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club

GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club (December 29) – The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name

A groundbreaking dive into the role psychedelics have played in the origins of Western civilization, and the real-life quest for the Holy Grail that could shake the Church to its foundations. Join the GSAPS Psychedelic Book Club on Friday, December 22nd, from 5pm-6:30pm Pacific Time to discuss our monthly reading.
